100% Rep Buff for BFA Factions
Impressive Influence Buff
Blizzard have announced that from today 20th April, 2020 through to May 18th, 2020 all players in Battle for Azeroth will gain a reputation buff called “Impressive Influence” which will increase player reputation gains for Legion and Battle for Azeroth factions by 100%! (Note: This bonus does not include Rajani and Uldum Accord reputations.)
The buff is a welcome boost to help players unlock Allied Races, Pathfinder flying, and mount & pet rewards. There has never been a better time for alt-a-holics like me to get more races for Alts and grab mounts and pets for their collections.

Official Blizzard News Release
Do you have your eye on unlocking an Allied Race, learning to fly in Battle for Azeroth, or adding a new pet or mount to your collection? Beginning April 20 through May 18, players can exalt in the reputation buff Impressive Influence, which will increase reputation gains by 100% with Legion and Battle for Azeroth* factions!
Official announcement from Blizzard re. Impressive Influence 100% Rep Buff.