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100% XP Buff Extended for WoW

Winds of Wisdom Buff Extended!

Blizzard have announced today 17th April, 2020 all players in Battle for Azeroth will continue to gain an experience buff called “Winds of Wisdom” which will increase player experience gains by 100% until the release of the Shadowlands pre-patch! (This bonus includes Starter Edition and Legion players as well.)

The buff also stacks with your heirlooms XP bonus, so there has never been a better time for alt-a-holics like me to get leveling their Alts.

Official Blizzard News Release

There are many journeys to be taken in Azeroth, and if you’re in the middle of one, or just looking forward to starting a new one, we’ve heard your plea for a little more time. Due to the popularity of the Winds of Wisdom 100% experience buff in Battle for Azeroth, we’re extending its benefit through to the release of the Shadowlands pre-patch!

All players in Battle for Azeroth will gain an experience buff called “Winds of Wisdom” which will increase experience gains by 100%! (Bonus includes Starter Edition and Legion players.)

Players will also be able to take advantage of this experience boost while still using their favorite heirlooms.

Official announcement from Blizzard re. Winds of Wisdom 100% XP Buff Extended.

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