WoW Classic News: It is almost here!
Blizzard announced last year that World of Warcraft Classic will launch worldwide on 27th August 2019 (26th August for the Americas). As we approach the launch date it’s time to take a look at we can expect from this Classic game that is going to be 15 years old.
What is WoW Classic?
World of Warcraft Classic isn’t the 15-year old game from 2004 simply re-released, it is a recreation of the original World of Warcraft game, as it was in 2006. Everything about the original game from combat mechanics and talent trees, to character models and zone layouts has been restored by the team at Blizzard to provide a truly authentic experience to gamers.
How can I play WoW Classic?
Anyone with an active subscription to World of Warcraft, or with game time on their WoW accounts will get access to WoW Classic at no additional cost when it releases Worldwide on August 26/27 2019.
How do I get WoW Classic?
You can get the game now from your desktop app. Open the app and select “World of Warcraft” from the main menu and then select “World of Warcraft Classic” from the Version drop-down menu.
You will also see a second drop-down menu for Account. Select the active account you want to play from that menu. You can then click the Install button, which will show you the progress of the download and the point that it is available to play. Once downloaded, simply click the Play button.
What Realms can I play on WoW Classic?
Blizzard have now released the server list for the Realms we will be able to play in Classic. All four types of realm available in Vanilla WoW will also be available in Classic WoW.
- Normal
- PvP (Player vs. Player)
- RP (Role-Play)
- RP PvP (Role-play Player vs. Player)
Normal Realms
Normal realms are best for players who don’t want to take part in open world Player vs. Player, preferring to concentrate on Questing without worrying about being attacked by enemy players. All world zones are considered contested except for enemy faction cities, in which opposing faction players will be automatically flagged for PvP. Players won’t be able to attack each other in contested areas unless they flag themselves for PvP with the command “/pvp“.
EU Servers – Normal Realms
- Mirage Raceway (English)
- Pyrewood Village (English)
- Auberdine (French)
- Everlook (German)
- Хроми “Chromie” (Russian)
Oceanic Server – Normal Realm
- Remulos (Australian Eastern Time)
US Servers – Normal Realms
- Mankrik (Eastern Time)
- Pagle (Eastern Time)
- Atiesh (Pacific Time)
- Myzrael (Pacific Time)
PvP Realms
PvP realms are open for world Player vs. Player in all world zone areas except for designated “safe” or sanctuary areas, such as the starting zones where new players (noobs) begin.
EU Servers – PvP Realms
- Golemagg (English)
- Shazzrah (English)
- Sulfuron (French)
- Lucifron (German)
- Пламегор “Flamegor” (Russian)
Oceanic Server – PvP Realm
- Arugal (Australian Eastern Time)
US Servers – PvP Realms
- Faerlina (Eastern Time)
- Herod (Eastern Time)
- Thalnos (Eastern Time)
- Fairbanks (Pacific Time)
- Whitemane (Pacific Time)
RP Realms
RP realms are best for players who want to take part in role-play with other players. This realm type uses the same rules as Normal realms and does not have open world PvP.
EU Server – RP Realm
- Hydraxian Waterlords (English)
US Server – RP Realm
- Bloodsail Buccaneers (Eastern Time)
RP PvP Realms
RP PvP realms are for role-players who prefer the living on the edge with PvP rules enabled. Expect players to be in character with open combat in contested world zone areas.
EU Server – RP PvP Realm
- Zandalar Tribe (English)
US Server – RP PvP Realm
- Grobbulus Pacific Time)