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WoW Shadowlands – Kharlos Ep.01

Kharlos - WoW Shadowlands - Protection Paladin in the Maw ep.01

In to the Maw!

Kharlos the Protection Paladin starts his journey in to the World of Warcraft Shadowlands at level 50. Kharlos answers a chilling summons from Darion Mograine in Stormwind and travels to meet the deposed Lich King, Bolvar Fordragon in Acherus. After completing a ritual involving the shattered Helm of Domination Kharlos arrives with Darion and his Death Knights in the Shadowlands. Kharlos and Darion fight their way through the Maw meeting Jaina, Thrall, Anduin and Baine along the way, before Kharlos escapes the Jailer in the Maw and arrives in Oribos.

World of Warcraft Quests covered in this video:


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